
FCA member since August 2020
Fairphone is one of the founders of the Fair Cobalt Alliance

Fairphone is on a mission: by establishing a market for ethical electronics, we’re motivating the entire industry to act more responsibly. We design, produce and sell smartphones to uncover the supply chain behind our products, raise awareness for the most urgent issues, and prove that it’s possible to do things differently. Together with our partners and collaborators, we’re working to make caring for people and the planet a natural part of doing business.

From Fairphone’s very beginnings, we’ve been investigating ways to improve the cobalt supply chain, especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Fairphone is a downstream user of cobalt, a material that is used in the battery of our Fairphone.

So many of us have heard about the challenges associated with ASM, and unfortunately that means that many companies don’t want to have anything to do with this sector, given the high risks. We do not believe that is the right solution and are therefore proud to be one of the founders of the Fair cobalt Alliance; turning risks into opportunities for positive impact. We engage so that we contribute to a safe and fair supply of cobalt, one of the many materials used in the supply chain of our phone.

Fairphone would like to call on all organizations (in)directly involved in the cobalt supply chain – from smelters and manufacturers to governments and non-profits – to join us in the fight to improve conditions at ASM operations and build stronger local economies. It starts by taking a stand and signing the Fair Cobalt Alliance Call to Action. By joining forces, we can show that it’s possible to increase the availability of responsible mined cobalt, and keep raising the bar one step closer to a fair cobalt sector in the DRC.

“We believe in putting people and planet first and the Fair Cobalt Alliance is an important part of our vision. With the energy transition rapidly progressing, the demand for batteries will explode in the coming years. It’s crucial that the practices around cobalt mining are improved to ensure that the materials used in the future are more sustainable and ethically sourced to protect both the environment and local workers. By setting up this initiative, we are also showing the entire industry that a fairer battery is possible.”

Tirza Voss – tirza@fairphone.com 

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