Join the Fair Cobalt Alliance

Thank you for your interest in collaborating and joining the Fair Cobalt Alliance.

As an action platform, we welcome organisations dedicated to making their contribution to:
1 Improve working conditions and environmental conditions at artisanal mining operations
2 Mitigate and remediate child labour
3 Foster alternative livelihoods and build resilient local economies

What it means to be an FCA Member

All members of the FCA are signatories of the FCA’s Call to Action (CTA), which publicly attests to your organisation’s commitment to:
  • Recognising the legitimacy of cobalt from responsible ASM operations
  • Contributing resources to the FCA integrated programme
  • Designating a contact person who will coordinate with the FCA
  • Promoting the goals of the FCA

FCA members recognise the potential for ASM operations to be a legitimate economic activity contributing to local development and an important direct or indirect livelihood for thousands of community members in the DR Congo (DRC). Acknowledging the challenges that artisanal miners face, the FCA promotes the continuous improvement of working conditions and environmental management practices at ASM operations. Taking a progressive approach allows us to be inclusive of vulnerable stakeholders, without compromising on the final goal of achieving best practice.

For the FCA to invest in action on the ground, we rely on securing sufficient funding. Given the scale of the challenges at hand and the complexity of operating a business in the DRC, we have set ourselves ambitious fundraising targets.

Our goal is to have actors along the supply chain make a direct contribution based on their relationship with and dependency on cobalt as well as the size of their operations. To remain inclusive to organisations across the supply chain, we’ve developed a tiered contribution system specifying minimum annual contribution levels, allowing for the participation of start-ups, SMEs, well-established companies, NGOs, multinationals and industry associations alike. Some companies might be big, but only use a small amount of cobalt in their products, others might depend entirely on cobalt.

Each FCA member designates a contact person, allocating sufficient resources and time for this person to act as an FCA representative. They will fulfil the organisation’s commitments, participate in FCA Member meetings or working groups, and help promote the FCA among suppliers and customers as appropriate. The member will inform the FCA of changes in staff and designate a contact person well in advance of any such changes.

The FCA’s goal is to transform mining communities in the DRC through the eradication of child labour at ASM operations, protect children’s rights in the community, promote the generation of alternative livelihoods for youth and adults and grow the supply and availability of cobalt from responsibly managed ASM sites. To accomplish this, the FCA requires supply chain-wide support of its programme, both financially as well as programmatically.

By promoting the FCA among industry peers, customers and suppliers, FCA members can shape public discourse around constructive ASM engagement and the sustainable and economic development of mining communities. It can  help recruit the backing and resources needed to make fair cobalt the default in the region, rather than the exception.

As a member of the FCA you will receive regular progress and impact reporting, be able to attend our quarterly member meetings, be invited to participate in relevant FCA working groups and help shape the FCA’s approach and programme by serving on our Steering Committee.

Over time, the FCA aims to facilitate sourcing of fair ASM cobalt for interested parties.

FCA Membership Contributions

For FCA to invest in action on the ground, we rely on securing sufficient funding. Given the scale of the challenges at hand and the complexity of operating a business in the DRC, we have set ourselves ambitious fundraising targets. We are grateful to have received some public funding already, but can’t overstate the importance of the private sector making their fair contribution to the transformation of the ASM sector.

Our goal is to have actors along the supply chain who make a direct contribution based on their dependency on cobalt and the size of their operations. To remain inclusive to organisations across the supply chain, we’ve developed a tiered contribution system specifying minimum annual contribution levels, allowing for the participation of startups, SMEs, well-established companies, NGOs, multinationals and industry associations alike. Some companies might be big, but only use a small amount of cobalt in their products, others might depend entirely on cobalt.

  Small Medium Large
Examples SmallStartups, SMEs, boutique consultancies think tanks MediumLarge companies with small amounts of cobalt, industry associations, battery storage facilities, market places & financial institutions Large(Crude-) refiners, LSM, battery manufacturers, OEMs
Membership (p.a.) Small 15.000 – 50.000 USD Medium 50.000 – 100.000 USD Large 100.000+ USD
Membership Application Process

After an initial conversation with the FCA team, you will be asked to populate and share the FCA’s Onboarding and Due Diligence Tool, which serves as the official application for joining the FCA.

To allow us to understand how we can best partner with your organisation, we have prepared a number of questions, the answers to which will help us:

  • Conduct due diligence on your organisation,
  • Understand your motivation, needs and ambitions for working with the FCA,
  • Jointly determine what membership contribution tier is most suitable for you.

Together with a signed copy of our Call to Action, the FCA Secretariat will review the application, before making its recommendation for approval to the FCA Steering Committee, who need to unanimously approve your application.

If you are interested and want to learn more about the Fair Cobalt Alliance, our approach and how your organisation can help, please contact
We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact David Sturmes