The Centre for Child Rights and Business

FCA member since October 2021

The Centre for Child Rights and Business (The Centre) works with companies to promote and respect children’s rights in all their operations, with a particular focus on supply chains. The Centre helps businesses understand how and where they impact children and delivers practical solutions and services for mitigating risks and creating positive change.

These services include child labour prevention and remediation, child rights risk assessments, packages to support women, migrant parent workers, young workers and other vulnerable groups, and a comprehensive set of services to create family-friendly workplaces in supply chains. The Centre supports businesses across multiple industry sectors in close to a dozen Asian countries, with staff and projects also located in Africa, Australia, Europe and The Americas.

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The Centre, Save the Children and the FCA began their collaboration in 2021 with the development of a much-needed child labour referral system for artisanal mine sites. With such a referral system, cases of child labour can be identified in collaboration with local authorities and cooperative members, and referred to accredited case managers who will tailor an individual remediation plan for each of those children identified.

In addition to the collaboration above, The Centre, together with Save the Children, jointly conducted an in-depth study on ASM in the DRC that reiterates the need for supply-chain-wide collaboration to protect and support the many children and working families reliant on ASM. The study will be launched on Dec. 8, 2021.

“No one actor can solve child labour issues in ASM singlehandedly. With collaboration being at the heart of the FCA, we are looking forward to working with all FCA members and other stakeholders in implementing strong child labour prevention and remediations systems. We believe that the industry actors, from producers to buyers, all have both the responsibility and the opportunity to significantly improve the situation for children in ASM communities within the next few years, and we are looking forward to supporting this process with a strong child rights perspective.”

said Ines Kaempfer, CEO of The Centre for Child Rights and Business.

Ines Kaempfer

Discover more about The Centre for Child Rights and Business