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The Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA) is a multi-stakeholder action platform that brings togetheractors across  the cobalt mineral supply chain to improve the lives of mining communities in the DRC.

A full overview of our current membership can be found here.

All members of the FCA are signatories of the FCA’s Call to Action that publicly attest to an organisation’s commitment to:

  • Recognising the legitimacy of cobalt from responsible ASM operations
  • Contributing resources to the FCA integrated programme
  • Promoting the goals of the FCA

The FCA was launched in August 2020. The FCA was set up by founding members Glencore, Huayou Cobalt, Signify and Fairphone and is managed by The Impact Facility (TIF).

Key individuals involved have worked in mining for over two decades across Africa, South America and South-East Asia and saw a real need to ensure that the legacy of mining is a positive one – that means purposeful action to see safe working conditions in mines, as well as economic benefits in neighbouring communities.

To do this means collaboration along the whole supply chain, from mine to manufacturing, a shared responsibility. No one else was specifically focussed on this, nor are they still. So, that is why we are established and why we do what we do. Mining is a long term prospect and we’re in this for the long haul. A positive mining legacy for host countries and communities.

Yes, the FCA is actively seeking to expand its membership to increase its potential for positive impact. A diversity of members across the entire value chain is essential to drive the message home. Every company – and potentially every consumer – should play their part to ensure the miners of this essential commodity are not only safeguarded from harm in their daily occupation, but should receive a fair recompense.